Monday, January 16, 2012

Student Choice Test (album)

Not So American Dream

Back in the days, your army days
Back in her nurse days
A classic marriage story
A good old American boy and his girl
Lookin’ for that American dream

You always said we were the people you fought for
Our freedom, our lives
But you couldn’t save her from everything
Couldn’t keep us safe from her cancer
Couldn’t keep me safe from your own anger

I’ve heard your drunken words of how you wished you died
Wish you never made it back home to watch her die
Wish you never had a son
Is this the American Dream?

Living in a broken down apartment
Drinking your problems away
Is this what you fought for?

Sweetest Story You Ever Heard

A born son, more important than the sun,
At the time, now a burden
Bring him back to a beautiful home filled with hope
Baby blue walls, crib, a stimulating Eden

Growin up in a loving home
Hope grew, he was sure to make a name for him self
His parents, oh so very proud of their smart little boy

But everything must come to an end
18 years old, his mother dies, might as well leave him on the street

Drunken father, broken house, his Eden dead and gone

The picture of his mother
His only hope left, his only comfort

He joins the Marines, harder than his father
Thought hed seen ugly
His old life seems like heaven

Pride takes the place of hope
Determination causes his achievement
He grows stronger, becomes his own man
Drunken father wont hold him down no more

Unstable Arc

Your mistakes put your heart through the floor
Put you up to your neck in an ocean of regret and guilt
Two things you’ll never show

The arc you built didn’t last like Noah’s
Nothing built on lies ever does

The only thing you were ever good at was placing the blame on someone else
But I wont be your scapegoat
You may be Hitler, but I wont give you the satisfaction

Ive never seen another with a father like you
I can’t be perfect, no one can
Your expectations will have to wait

Back when mom was around, things were less stressful
Life was a breeze, but too strong, it carried the structure of my life away

Shes Not Coming Home

Home aint where the heart is
No it sure aint
With a drunken father
And no brother, no mother

Love isn’t to be felt, not by him nor me
Just a longing, a longing for something we cant have

My accomplishments were never enough to satisfy
The man who owns the only life ive known
But he cant, wont own me anymore

Mother who watches over, what can I do?
I cant stay here, not with this much hate felt

He’s falling off, becoming less a man each day
But not a man at all since he’s lost you
Since I’ve lost you

“She’s gone” I yell at him drunkenly waiting by the door
As if you’ll come walking through
Missing for all these years

I tell him, father, she’s not coming home
But he hates me all the more for it
Those harsh years have made him less alive than you
In my heart anyway

Loved Ones Lost

Tell me what its like, to lose something important
I cant feel, cant feel the loss

I died with her, it was clear
But so did you, you lost everything when you lost her
Love, compassion, happiness

Your miracle son meant nothing when your wife was gone
Just a burden you would love to shun

Cast me out, shut me out like you did to everyone else
A family with a mother lost

So this is what its like,
to lose something or everything.
I have nothing

The Easy Way Out

Living life without family can’t be done
Everyone needs a heart
But home ain’t where the heart is
Its just as empty as my father

Where does a lost kid wonder
When all but anger is missing

A dangerous bit a kid can do
When all is hopeless

Broken windows, robbed stores
A lost, a bored kid can do a lot of bad
Just to feel something besides hate

Wonder what wed accomplish
If we joined together
Make a family, out of brothers
No need for a mother, don’t even bother with a father

Drunken Father

Back when you were slowly dying
I felt my life fall apart
My heart was broken, into pieces
I had no idea

My life is shattered
Nothing left
No one knows my grief

The love I once felt
Turned to hate for everything
The only thing I feel is the belt
As it hits against me

A drunken father, filled with hate
A lost mother, six feet under
No one left but me


An old man, drowning in his guilt and regret
Shark infested water

His ship has sunk
 his lies couldn’t keep him afloat any longer
Now the sharks, his mistakes, they eat away at him

If he was smart, or honorable, he would have gone down with his ship
But hes always been a coward

As I watch him tear himself to shreds
I realize how hes never been
A good role model

Always drinking, his pain away
Never facing his fears

But I don’t need a role model,
I know enough to not end up like him

Build my life on confidence
Not going down like my old man

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Student’s written song

What anyone else thinks
My minds made up, solid as a rock

Chorus: No one can tell me
Who to be or what to do
All that matters is that Im happy!

Straight edge to the death is our motto
Don’t like it? Just get dropped- OH!

All these carbon copy kids drinkin’ till they cant see
You look dumber than these skinny jeans do on me

The stand out kids that you call weird
I call my brothers, closer than each hair in your heinous beard


For my family and friends, Id fight, Id die
You can’t say the same; you’d probably curl up and cry

I’ll give you some respect when you act yourself
But that won’t happen; you’re already too alike everyone else